Today's Reading:
1 Timothy 1,2,3,4
“But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1:5)
Everything that is taught in New Hope must keep in mind the bottom line. Paul says to Timothy that our 1st goal is to somehow incite and develop pure hearts from which exudes love — but this love is an unadulterated love because it comes from a pure heart. It’s the source, the headwaters that God wants pure, otherwise, the rest of the stream is polluted. It’s not “love” that is the issue. It is developing pure hearts that effectuate a pure love.
The 2nd goal is to maintain a good conscience, which actually is knowing how to resolve sin. It’s not necessarily never sinning. Oh, would that be bliss, but not very feasible. A good conscience is gained and re-gained by the timely and biblical resolving of sin.
The 3rd goal is a sincere faith — a faith that is not one of pretense or duplicity. It’s one that has been tested and found genuine. Sometimes our faith is genuine, but we don’t do well under the simplest of conditions.
Some time ago, I was on the way to Kauai, and a TSA lady had me take out my computer, check me three times, then checked my carry-on for drugs. She had me take off my belt, phone, change and I had to run things through three times. Now, I’m no drug runner nor am I a terrorist, so I wasn’t worried … But to be honest, I didn’t fare well through this test. I was burning up inside and she was enjoying the authority of minimum wage.
Often, an advanced faith will not fail under advanced conditions. It will fail under remedial conditions. I can pass business deals but will blow up when I try to help one of my kids with their homework. I can structure large companies, but I lose patience when I have to organize the garage. I can counsel people out of suicide, but have struggled with wanting to kill my kids! Faith at home is where our faith is tested the most.
Part of a lighthouse where it’s the darkest is at its base.
Dear Jesus, please cultivate a sincere faith in me and a pure love! I must keep this “bottom line” in mind. Constantly scrub my heart and help me to develop a good conscience and a genuine faith.
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