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Series: Faith In Action

February 25, 2018 | Jon Burgess

Passage: Romans 5:3-5

In life, there will usually be three valleys that we will be in at various times. The first is the Valley of Who Knows Why. In other words, we will not know why we are in a suffering situation. But we have to choose our plan or God's presence. Next is the Valley of God Sent Me Here. This means that we should accept God's decision to put us where we are and also to be strengthened by that knowledge. We have to decide whether to heed other people's good words or God's Word. The Valley of I Messed Up is the third valley. We have to confess our sins and get to know Jesus personally!

Series Information

Other sermons in the series

March 04, 2018

Power of Perspective

Continue to rejoice because whatever has happened to you will be for...