“Blessed are those who wash their robes. They will be permitted to enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life.”
Revelation 22:14 NLT
In the revelation vision, John sees the New Heaven and New earth, the Bride of Christ, the Church, becoming One with Jesus, the LORD of all. A frightening and awesome thing to see for sure!
The battles are now concluded. There is no longer anyone who opposes the LORD, for death, the grave, and all enemies of God are now apart in the eternal lake of fire.
And, added are those who had lifetimes to repent and turn to Him, but by choice, are now no longer in the presence of the LORD—-eternally separated from this New Heaven and earth.
And now, having witnessed these things played out, John makes a simple proclamation; blessed are those who wash their robes.
Kind of an odd thing to put there.
Except for one thing, one common theme in this vision and recording of what is to come.
Robes are mentioned over and over. Especially white ones.
White is one of the most “pure” of colors, but also the easiest to stain or show dirt.
In order to be presentable, one must (1) keep checking continually to make sure the white garment isn’t dirtied or stained, and (2) wash that “thang” if there is a dirt spot or stain on it, BEFORE THE STAIN SETS IN.
Literally, it can make or break ones appearance. In this instance, it has eternal ramifications.
I thought about our figurative “robes”, as it were. That which identifies us as God’s people throughout our lifetime.
If God presents us with white robes to wear, it’d best suit us to keep that “thang” clean!
A daily time to clean the robes, to wash them, is necessary!
I think about another prophet, Malachi, who describes the presence of the LORD like soap!...
“...For he will be like a blazing fire that refines metal, or like a strong soap that bleaches clothes.”
Malachi 3:2 NLT
How do I find myself in God’s presence that cleans like fullers soap, or bleach that pulls stains out?
A daily and often time in His word. To let Him speak. To hear and to be corrected (2Tim 3:16).
And to take the action needed to wash my robes. Because life will get it dirty, and we can either neglect it, ignore it, hide it, or do something to wash it.
Blessed are those who make the intentional effort to wash their robes, as the last days are on us.
Lord Jesus, may I take that which identifies me figuratively as a follower of You, and continually wah my “robes” until You come for us.
Maranatha and Amen.
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