The Struggle of A Servant

by Justin Smith on January 17, 2024


“Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep.  Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’?  Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’?  Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do?  So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’”
Luke 17:7-10



One thing I’ve come to realize is that my flesh is constantly at work…even when I’m working for God.  Whether it’s battling against pride as I accomplish great things for God and hear the applause and receive the accolades OR dealing with emotions of frustration and disappointment when those things don’t come, my flesh is seeking to distract, interrupt, and prevent me from God’s true goal.  This came to mind as I read through Luke 17.

Jesus tells the story of a servant returning home after a long day of hard work.  I’m sure this servant was sweaty, stink and exhausted after a day full of plowing the fields and looking after the sheep, and if it was me I’d be focused on food, a shower and my bed.  When the servant entered his home, he was greeted by his Master…not with a “great job”, not with a “have a seat and eat because you’ve earned it”, not with a “thank you”…with more work!  “Prepare my food and wait on me while I eat”!  The servant had to have been frustrated, hurt, upset, but Jesus concludes that the servant should gladly serve because that is his duty.  I’m sure the servant’s flesh sought to distract, interrupt and prevent him from accomplishing the Master’s goals, but a true servant places the Master’s desires above his own and the Master’s plans above his own.  Here’s the good news: In God’s Kingdom the servants can confidently set aside their own emotions and plans because we know the Master.  We know what the Master has already done in ultimately showing His love, His grace, His kindness, and His power.  Beyond that, we know that the Master’s plans aren’t to use and abuse us but are to utilize us for His kingdom.  We also know that obedience leads to the Master’s blessing, and ultimately, we know what the Master has already done for us through Jesus.


So next time I’m treated like a servant…I will remember this.  I will remember that it is my joy to serve because of what God has already done.  If I ever face a circumstance where I’m not applauded or acknowledged I will remember that I’m only doing my duty before God, and He is worthy of my service.  Next time my emotions try to distract, interrupt or prevent me from serving, I will remember that as a servant of the Kingdom I GET to put the Master first, I GET to put His people first, and I GET to find delight in living my life for Him!



Jesus, please forgive me for so often giving into my flesh and emotions and for allowing myself to get distracted from the joy of my calling.  Thank You for saving me and calling me to Your service.  Thank You that I get to serve You and Your people.  Please help me to rejoice in serving as I rejoice in You.  In Your name, Amen!


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