'This is what he showed me: The Lord was standing by a wall that had been built true to plumb, with a plumb line in his hand. And the Lord asked me, “What do you see, Amos?” “A plumb line,” I replied. Then the Lord said, “Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer. ' (Amos 7:7-8)
A plumb line is a weight suspended from a string used as a vertical reference line to ensure a structure is centered. As they always find the vertical axis pointing to the center of gravity, they ensure everything is right, justified and centered
This verse applies now more than ever as the world continually finds sin after sin to highlight and celebrate. With each display of debauchery, we fade farther and farther away from one nation under God. In seeking justice and equality we instead pervert that which was intended to remain pure and divide what was meant to stay whole. Here the Lord is telling Amos, enough! Yes, I remember Jacob, but enough is enough! He uses the analogy of a plumb line, cross it and you’re done. Simple enough right?
If Jesus is not the center then I’m off balanced. The very nature of what I hope to build will be faulty and my character will fail. I need to regularly check my plumb line to make sure it is accurate and in alignment with God’s word and God’s will. All of it, not just the parts that fit my agenda. All of it, not just the parts that make me happy. All of it, not just the feelgood future and a hope promises, but even more so the ones that sound like warnings but are actually words of grace.
In order to keep centered on Jesus and aligned to the plumb line, I need to recalibrate and recommit to:
- Spending time with Jesus, in worship, quiet time and prayer. At New Hope we say “an undying devotion to God and His Word.” When I stay close to Jesus, my center is not only anchored, I begin to think as He thinks and act as He acts.
- Being open to being discipled and mentored so that my life and heart will constantly be renewed. Like Amos, “I am not a prophet nor a son of a prophet” (Amos 7:14), so the learning curve is steep. While the Word of God has all the instructions I need, face to face and life on life learning makes the journey better.
- Staying faithful. Like Amos, we are called by God to deliver tough messages at times. When we make it our words we may sway a few. When we are faithful to deliver God’s words we ignite the Holy Spirit’s direction which can make the impossible possible.
Jesus, thank You for Your grace! I need it, I receive it. My heart is so easily swayed by the emotion, and while I will continue to love unconditionally, I pray for the wisdom to love uncompromisingly too. Your will and word out give and outlast any ways of the world. May my heart, mind and soul remain centered on You.