Lay with Dogs, Get Bit

by John Tilton on October 14, 2024


Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law, day and night.”
Psalm 1:1-2


It is so true that by human nature, our environment and those that we often associate with can often influence our lives either for good or bad.  The psalmist reminds us that association can breed temptation or an encouraging example depending on whom we associate with.  Associate with sinners and we will have to deal with the temptation of sin.  Associate with those who example Christ and we will desire to emulate and be Christ-like.  Furthermore, the more time we spend in God’s word and time in prayer, the more we will be influenced by God’s will and ways.


In my life, I’ve found that those times I associated with those that dabbled in the ways of the world; whether as a youth doing the things that my friends were doing, as an entertainer doing the nightlife party life things that entertainers do, or allowing myself to watch and be influenced by things of the world on television; those were the times where I either got in trouble, or was close to getting in trouble, having to pay the price of consequences.  Fortunately, lessons were learned, and consequences were redeemable through the Lord.  I remember an old saying “lay with dogs, get bit by fleas.” 


Dear Lord, please guide me to be careful, cautious, and practice wisdom, in not putting myself in places, with people that will influence me in the ways of the world, and dabbling with things that will influence me in sin.  But rather may I spend more time with you, in your word, in prayer, and in community with the people that love you and walk in your ways.


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