"Meanwhile, the believers who had been scattered during the persecution after Stephen’s death traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch of Syria.
They preached the word of God, but only to Jews. However, some of the believers who went to Antioch from Cyprus and Cyrene began preaching to the Gentiles about the Lord Jesus.
The power of the Lord was with them, and a large number of these Gentiles believed and turned to the Lord." Acts of the Apostles 11:19-21 NLT
Here we see how Stephen's death caused the believers to scatter across the land; perhaps in fear for their lives at first, but God used this "scattering" to propogate the gospel message of hope in Jesus Christ to areas previously unreached!
As the message spread north to Phoenecia and across the water to the island of Cyprus, it is noted that at first the message was being shared and taught only to Jews.
But there are the few that boldly preached to the Gentiles, who, in other translations, are "Hellenists", or those who were Greek-speaking, or just Greeks.
Mind you, the Greeks in general were "all set", that is, they had their whole system of deistic beliefs comfortably set in their culture; and for the most part, the traditions of generations were enough for them. They didn’t “need” Jesus.
It took a great deal of courage to come to those who were steeped in their culture with this "new and unusual religion", and share the message of freedom for today and hope for eternity...yet the scattered believers were just the messengers for the occasion!
We are unique in that we are in the midst of a culture that is steeped in their traditions, even for many who may not practice the religious rituals of the kahunas, but use culture and tradition to reject hearing the message of hope that comes only through Jesus Christ!
There were missionaries who pioneered the effort to reach out into this culture, of which Titus Coan had one of the most fruitful seasons sharing and seeing thousands become Christ followers. It's our story of Gentiles receiving the gospel and living their lives for Jesus!
So the question poses itself to me; who are my "Gentiles"? It may not take going across the ocean to the natives who hold on to traditions and culture.
It may be as close as my neighbors who don't go anywhere on Sundays.
It may be the barista in the coffee shop who makes our coffee regularly that wonders what our group is up to with our "books" and taking our corner every week.
It may be a person who sees a post you make on social media and privately asks why you believe in “that stuff”.
The opportunities are numerous, limited only by our reservedness or our urgency. Our preaching would best be done by our actions before the first words come from our mouths.
As my pastor once mentioned, "...love on them until they ask you why."
Who are my "Gentiles"? Time is running short.
Lord Jesus, the believers in the early days turned their fleeing into a way to spread the gospel far and wide to all Gentiles.
Surely I can spread it as far as my daily opportunity presents itself. May I not let myself get in Your way. Amen.