"For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant." Hebrews 9:15
As we deck the halls and enjoy the tinsel, lights, and bells, I’m reminded that Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love the music, I love the joy, I love the gift giving, and most importantly I love being able to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior who came through humble circumstances motivated by His love for the world. But, as precious and awe-inspiring as it is to celebrate Jesus’ birthday, I often don’t connect His coming with the completion of His calling. Yes, He came innocently and humbly, but the completion of His calling would ultimately be His brutal beating and death on a cross as a substitute, a ransom, to set us free. Today, Hebrews 9 reminded me that as I celebrate His birth I, too, must celebrate His death, burial, and resurrection as the “reason for the season”.
The writer of Hebrews uses chapter 9 to discuss the old covenant prescribing forgiveness of sin through the High Priest regularly bringing animal sacrifices on behalf of the people. This covenant was then replaced by the Perfect Sacrifice, Jesus, shedding His blood once and for all to bring freedom, healing and complete forgiveness. Jesus became the Mediator of the new covenant and His death paid the price for all sin setting all mankind free. Yes, we celebrate that Jesus came, AND we celebrate that Jesus completed His calling to pay our debt. Yes, He was motivated by love to come to Earth, AND He was motivated by love to be our Sacrifice. Yes, He was born in a manger, AND He was destined to a cross. All because He loves us!
As I see images of an innocent baby laying in a manger, I will choose to remember THAT He came and WHY He came. This season I will remember the peaceful, humble situation of His birth and the powerful, transforming, eternity shifting death and price that was paid for my freedom. As I remember to keep Christ first in CHRISTmas, I will take this season as a time to thank Jesus for His love that lead Him to the Cross to pay the price I should have, and I will choose to allow that love to motivate my obedience, my faith, and my surrender.
Jesus, in this season I will choose to remember and rejoice in Your love that was shown as you came and as You completed Your calling. As we celebrate Your birth, I will choose to remember and rejoice in Your death and resurrection. Thank You for the new covenant of forgiveness in You! May my life be lived in gratitude for what You did! In Your name, Amen!