Who’s Approval?

by John Tilton on March 10, 2025


Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
Galatians 1:10


Paul’s correction to the Galatians apparently was to keep the Galatians from getting confused by people who were skewing the true Gospel that they were called by Christ to teach. His admonishment was to remind the Galatians not to be swayed in their receiving, learning, and internalizing the true Gospel, as there were those at that time that were perverting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s further admonishment was to quell the reason of why they were possibly being swayed and that was their wanting to win the approval of others or trying to please others. Thus, by wanting to win the approval of others or please others, they were open to receiving and believing a tainted Gospel. Paul’s correction and directive was for the Galatians to stay true to pleasing Christ and to seek the discernment that would enable them to know and hold fast to the true Gospel, and not be swayed.


These scriptures are so relevant today as we see the Gospel being interpreted in ways that are misrepresenting the truth of God’s word and instead invoking emotion, supernatural signs and wonders not of the Lord, and interpreting the Word to fit man’s desires rather than God’s. Being moved in and by the Holy Spirit, God’s signs, and miracles are real and present today. However, there is a demarcation line when God’s Word is interpreted out of context and therefore meant to sway people in learning and internalizing the Word. The Word clearly tells us to be careful of false teachers and prophets. 

Paul encourages us to STUDY God’s Word, asking who, what, when, including the historical time and place, by researching or cross-referencing with a study bible.

However, the main encouragement by Paul is, who am I intent on in pleasing and gaining approval each day? Jesus Christ or man? Am I willing to graciously question, or will I go along with whatever I am told?


Lord, please guide as I study Word intently and deeper, so that I may walk in your ways and your will. Reveal your Word to me that I may not be swayed by misinterpreted doctrine and theology, and I in turn know and understand your Word for its truth.


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