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Unity Means Death

by Fred Alcain on December 06, 2024


'In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, '
Philippians 2:3-5


There’s so many things that have been said about unity, specifically team unity.  But in my mind, nothing epitomes the failure of unity better than the 2013 Los Angeles Lakers. Kobe, Pau, Artest, Nash and Dwight, future hall of famers in the starting line up, high profile free agent signings coming off the bench, a legacy of personal awards and trophies, but all for naught.  Not even the best talent and minds in the game could bring them the championship.  The season was a struggle, and while they eventually turned the corner and realized that it wasn’t their individual strength that would win, but rather their united strength, it was a little too late.

Unified strength trumps individual excellence every single time.

Here Paul continues his letter to his family in Philippi by again clearly stating big and important features for successful team unity.  But not just any old type of unity, but as he prefaced in chapter 1, a unity worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Bible speaks volumes on the importance of unity, but here Paul continues to lay it out clear and concise.  The only way to truly define unity is by

  1. Holding it up against the Gospel of Jesus.
  2. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.
  3. Value others above yourself
    And the clincher and all in all…
  4. Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.

Are our attempts at unity centered and zeroed in on Jesus and His purposes, or are they noble and passionate pursuits which find their genesis in our desires and our purposes and eloquent persuading to achieve a sideways version of unity?

Paul reminds us that if nothing else, unity means sharing a common mindset, one that starts and ends with Jesus.  So, in essence those old school bracelets make complete sense.  In every battle for unity, if we just run the scenario through “WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?”, then everything will turn out just fine.  Jesus would love, Jesus would repent, Jesus would forgive, Jesus would turn the other cheek, Jesus would stand for truth, Jesus would take up the cross and Jesus would put his life before all of humanity.


My biggest challenge?  I want things my way.  And on the rare occasion I give in, I want everyone to be sure they know I made the sacrifice so I can get the obligatory “I owe you one.”  And I can’t wait to cash in on the debt.  Wrong, completely wrong.  In a way unity means death.  Death to self, death to pride, death to every and anything not of Him.

The more I pursue Christlikeness, the more these nagging sins get rooted out, so instead of resisting the purge, I choose instead to plant my feet, and root myself in the Word of God and the stellar example of the Son.  I surrender my purpose for His presence.  I commit my works to the Lord. I lift others up.  When I do these things I begin to act like He acts, think like He thinks and become an agent of true unity.


Jesus, I pray my heart and mind can pursue and be an advocate and ambassador of a unity worthy of Your Gospel. It starts with me.  I need to open the circle to allow others in, being willing to sacrifice my agendas without compromising my inspirations. A unity worthy of the Gospel means a unity centered on You. Amen 


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