“But for the sake of my name I did what would keep it from being profaned in the eyes of the nations they lived among and in whose sight, I had revealed myself to the Israelites by bringing them out of Egypt. Therefore I led them out of Egypt and brought them into the desert. I gave them my decrees and made known to them my laws, for the man who obeys them will live by them. Also I gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between us, so they would know that I the LORD made them holy.”
Ezekiel 20:9-12
I found it to be very interesting that the Lord would be concerned with the witness to the non-believers in Egypt; that he would take the people of Israel into the desert to share His decrees, His laws and His Sabbaths as a sign between He and the Israelites so that they would acknowledge Him. Yet it seems that His real concern was like a father or mentor choosing not to discipline them in public, but rather to do so in private; and instead of wrath, speak into their lives to share teaching and insight with love. It is a historical fact that the Israelites faced many challenges in the desert; understanding now that the Lord allowed the heat to be turned up on the Israelites to get their attention so that He could teach them His ways and His love.
Isn’t this example the same with us, where we have been disobedient and sinful? We often continue in our ways until the Lord allows the heat to be turned up in our lives where we face consequences brought on by our actions and willful disregard of His word and will. It is in those desert times that my carnal reaction is to feel bad for myself or wonder why the Lord is allowing me to be confronted with desert experiences, failing to understand that He is letting the heat be turned up to get my attention so that I can grow in character if I turn to Him, listen, and learn. My typical reaction is, Lord help me out of this mess. Should it rather be, Lord teach me your ways in this furnace experience. Lord, let this heat expend all of the impurities and things in my life you want purged from me. Thus, like being in a Sauna, let me sweat out the toxins of life that can bind my spiritual health, the same way biological toxins can bind one’s physical health and well-being. Like the Sauna, the heat can be almost unbearable and feel like I’m being taken to the limit of forbearance; yet when I persevere and finally get out of the Sauna, I feel rejuvenated and invigorated. I feel cleansed and looking forward to the cool water of His refreshing that then runs over me like the cool shower after a hot sauna closing the pores that released the toxins that needed to be purged from me.
Lord, when I do go through desert experiences, please remind me of your will and love for my life knowing that you willfully turn up the heat at times to get my attention, purge me of the toxins of the world so that you can fill me with your decrees and laws; that in my obedience, I will find Sabbath with you.