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True Jews

by Kyle Lum on May 21, 2024


"For you are not a true Jew just because you were born of Jewish parents or because you have gone through the ceremony of circumcision.

No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit.

And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people."
Romans‬ ‭2‬:‭28-29‬ NLT


Paul was addressing the Roman believers on sin and the Gentiles; how no one is exempt from God's judgment, and even how Gentiles who seemingly don't acknowledge God have God's law in their hearts, instinctively living "rightly"by their good consciences and thoughts.

Then Paul brings it up; the topic of "being a Jew".

As a kid growing up in a non-religious home, hearing about Jews only came from lessons on WW2 atrocities and hearing stereotypes of overinflated pride, being tight with money, and "kosher" food.

As I read through the bible, however, my impression of them changed. These were truly the people of God, the descendants of Abraham, the survivors of the remnant...the ones who killed Jesus...

...and yet I still have an admiration for those with Jewish roots. But Paul addresses the Roman believers on what truly "being a Jew"is all about.

It's not about birthright, or whether we wash hands ceremoniously or are circumcised, or wear a yarmulke...(the beanies—though I think they look cool).

Paul says a "true Jew", one who is endeared to God as His own, by adoption as it were, as one who is right with God.

Not by doing the right's totally possible to do right things for the wrong reason.

Not by observing statutes and laws to the "T"; for we can do what Jesus called "straining out gnats and swallowing camels" if we rely on willpower and human effort.

Being a "true Jew" is a matter of the heart.  

Something that goes on where human eyes alone cannot see. But where true transformation begins.


I've seen and dealt with folks who prove the theory true that one can do all the things, wear the clothes, put on the external adornments that make others believe we are Christ-followers, and still have our hearts far from God!

We can sing the words and hit all the notes...we can memorize verses and use current buzzwords in the circles.

We can tattoo scripture and "HE>i" on our arms...

And (personally for me), I can be judgmental and point fingers at others for their external faith "ornamentation", and my self-righteous ego keeps the Holy Spirit from filling me and using me.

Being a true Jew is from the inside out; we need not do, say, or use things that people merely look at and think by appearance we are right with God.

We need only seek the LORD to transform our hearts...the change from that alone will allow others to know we are right with God, without saying or doing anything! It will be externally evident!


God, I don't want to "play church". I want to be close to You always. So come in. Point out my many flaws. And change me from the inside out. Amen!


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