New Hope Oʻahu's 29th Anniversary is HERE!

True Contentment

by Fred Alcain on June 14, 2024


Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity.
Philippians 4:11-12


One of my favorite stories about Tiger Woods and his golden year in 2000 was when he was asked what drove him to succeed.  His answer was, “I hate losing more than I love winning.” I loved it, I loved the fury he played with and the dominance he displayed, I loved that he refused to to settle for anything less than winning. Unfortunately, I took this statement, “hating to lose more than loving to win” as an Axiom, using it as motivation to succeed.

Consequently, every piece of joy got sucked out of every success.  Doing well wasn’t celebrated, instead I would breathe a sigh of relief and then move on to the next when.  I needed to be in prosperity not to feel worth, but to be content. Even now, succeeding at a task is not the hope, but the expectation.  I fear losing more than I enjoy winning.


So many of Paul’s words calm and correct my heart, but these few, “be content in whatever circumstances…” stands out. 

It reminds me to be grateful, and to let my gratefulness bankrupt my need for success. 

It gives me hope that contentment is attainable, and the more I correct back to the fact that my gratefulness is not tied into to my needs or wants, the more my heart learns to be content.

It means that in whatever circumstance…I win.  And that’s been the goal all along.

And as I learn contentment, losing or winning, hardship or prosperity, bad or good, I will know how to get along fine.


Jesus, help me realize contentment is not a bad word.  It means my hope is in You and You never fail to fulfill.  Thank you for being all as I commit to have You be all that I want.  Amen


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