Touch of Light

by John Tilton on October 21, 2024


For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’”
Acts 13:47


God called and commanded Paul and Barnabas to be a light to the Gentiles as they shared the good news and their testimony, offering the gift of salvation.  Furthermore, it was to be to the “ends of the earth,” or figuratively speaking, as far as their lives and whom they were able to influence would take them.  This is such a great reminder of God’s will and plan, that the gospel of Jesus Christ, would be taken forth to all and to the ends of the earth.  It can and would only be done, by those willing to share the light of the good news of Jesus Christ.


Some of the ministry technical team and I were at a meeting one day for an upcoming secular community event that would have the opportunity to take part in as an outreach, and a way of following suit in our extension endeavors.  We knew that it would be a first, whereby a “church” or “ministry” team would be key players in this very secular event.  It was such a blessing to see how the people we met with, some seemingly not believers and some who joyously shared that they were believers as well; both embraced the fact that a “church” or “ministry” team from New Hope was going to be taking the lead, technically.  What I found so encouraging was the conversations about God and church that arose within the “secular” meeting, and how seeds of faith were planted.  Truly, we experienced what God commanded in these scriptures, that He has made us a light to the gentiles and the world; that we would have a part of planting seeds and helping to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.  We left the meeting joyously, to be reminded of what ministry is all about, and that we truly can be a light to the unsaved in the world outside of the church and the body of Christ.


Lord, I thank you for Jesus, thank you for my salvation, and for allowing me the privilege and calling to be a light in this world that seems to be darkening.  Thank you that although I am in the world, I am not of the world.  Thus, it is such a joy and honor to serve in ministry and be a testimony of the good news of Jesus Christ in the world.  I pray that you will guide me in those opportunities to be a light of your good news, a testimony, and a witness.  Please lead me by your Holy Spirit with the appropriate words and actions to share your Gospel.


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