The Staff and the Rod

by Donovan Sabog on February 20, 2025


Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Psalms 23:4


Psalm 23 is one of the Bible’s most well-known passages. You probably have seen this psalm inscribed on home decor as you walked through the aisles of Ross, printed on greeting cards you’ve received, or copy/pasted on texts, emails, and blogs. However, despite the ubiquity and frequency with which this psalm is displayed, every time I read David’s words, it brings peace to my soul. Rich of biblical truth, each one of these verses could easily be a sermon in and of itself. Today, God brought to my attention verse four.

In this verse, David accepts his reality that he will inevitably “walk through the darkest valley.” However, despite the darkness he must walk through, He declares that he “will fear no evil” because God is with Him. God is our Shepherd who does not abandon us in dark times; no, He walks with us. And on top of that, the darkest valley is not our final destination; no, God will take us through it. 

As we walk through the valley, two of the Shepherd’s tools bring comfort to us: His staff and His rod. A shepherd used his staff to gently guide and lead his sheep. In contrast, a rod was used to forcefully discipline and correct his sheep. As God’s sheep, we are comforted as we submit to both His staff, which guides us into goodness, and His rod, which corrects our flesh to submit to the Spirit.


You are a sheep, and God is your Shepherd. Because this is Earth, and not heaven, the reality is that we will have seasons in which we must endure dark times. Perhaps you may even find yourself walking in darkness as you read this now. However, take heart that darkness is not your final destination––it is but a temporary season. Do not fear evil, for God has not abandoned you. In fact, He is with you right now. And He promises to walk with you through it, to the end. 

If you’re in need of peace and comfort, submit to God’s staff and His rod. Allow yourself to be led by God’s staff to safety, and embrace His rod as He corrects you. For when you do, you will be comforted. As Jesus reminds you in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”



You are my Shepherd, and I am Your sheep. Lead me, guide me, refresh me, and correct me. I need You, and I do not want to do this life alone. No matter what season of life I may find myself in, I thank You that You are with me always. Walk with me, talk with me, and be my shepherd.

In Jesus’ name,


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