Now while Peter was greatly perplexed in mind as to what the vision which he had seen might be, behold, the men who had been sent by Cornelius, having asked directions for Simon’s house, appeared at the gate.
Acts 10:17
God often hides something from you so that you can find someone He wants to connect you with. God is the architect of partnerships. He will often give you only one half of what you need to be complete, so you will be driven to find the other half He has planted in someone close by. In Peter’s vision, Peter did not receive its “understanding” until he spoke to Cornelius. While they talked, Peter was able to put two and two together to discern what God was trying to communicate to him. What piece of the puzzle is missing in your life? Where and within whom could God have placed it for you to find?
Whom has God designated as a missing piece to your puzzle? In my book PERSUADE, I discuss how “The Law of the Prospector” was birthed from the principle that God does everything through a person or place, and He always plants something in someone close by so you will be drawn to the right people on your path. This truth causes me to look around and within every time I have a need, knowing that while God is answering my prayer, He wants to put me together with someone so I, too, can be an answer to their prayer. It is up to you to discern where God has planted the solution to your problem. If you are unsure where to start, here are a few suggestions.
- Ask God for help, then wait to see what person He brings to mind. Don’t discount anyone He flashes across the screen of your imagination. It may be someone from your past or present.
- Begin to share your need with those you come into contact with and see who engages you. You’ll be surprised how solutions begin to emerge as you “talk it out” with someone God leads you to. Sometimes God will speak a solution to you in a seemingly unimportant conversation if you have your antenna up.
- Read Scripture with an open heart and, as you do, keep your query planted in the forefront of your mind: “God, what should I do about this?” Turn on your “seeker-sensitive antenna” to see what emerges.
- Whom do you feel led to share your problem with today as a way to “talk it out”?
- What problem are you facing that someone close by may have some experience with?
- Is it possible that someone in the last week has sought you out to be a “hearing ear” about something they are struggling with, and you dismissed them?
God’s partnership plan includes giving one piece of the puzzle to you and another to someone else so you will be driven to “seek out the missing piece.”