The Prophet

by Richard Waialeale on April 08, 2021


1 Samuel 3:18-So Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him. Then Eli said, ‘He is the LORD; let him do what is good in his eyes.’"


Samuel spent some sleepless nights, tossing and turning, and paralyzed with the fear of repeating what God had spoken to him. But Eli convinced Samuel that it was far more dangerous to withhold the truth than to reveal what God had shown him (1 Samuel 3:17). Samuel would lay out the truth as a prophet for the people of Israel.


The lesson for me is how Samuel exemplifies God’s prophet to hear His voice, to heed His words, and speak His truth, no matter the consequences. It’s not because I lack charisma or eloquence of speech but that I must speak the truth of God’s Word and by explaining it in simple ways that people can understand, without twisting or misleading the truth. The prophet will quote God’s Word and simplify it in a way that the congregation hears it and can chew on what is said. If God chooses to use me, then I must be as clear and simple as I can be, that even an eleven-year-old can understand me.


Father, I always thank you for the opportunity to represent You and to speak Your Word to the church. Holy Spirit, give me Your power as I walk in the fruit of the spirit that I may continue to learn Your ways. I pray Lord, to stay humble and open my ears and heart to recognize You through Your Word. Amen.

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