Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 19:10
If you saw an Angel, would you be tempted to fall to your knees and worship like John did in Revelation? People surrender their hearts and worship for far less today. The ‘wrongful worship’ epidemic in today’s society also showed up in the Apostle Paul’s letters (Romans 1:25) where he wrote about people who ‘worshiped and served the creation rather than the creator.’ Any form of worship that displaces Jesus from the throne of our heart is a no-no. Said another way, putting our faith, hope, or trust into something or someone other than God is a no-no. Perhaps that is why Angels in the Bible are quick to tell people not to worship them, they know God doesn’t like to compete for the affections of your heart. God is sensitive about worship to the degree that he said in the first commandment: Thou shalt have no other god’s before me (Exodus 20:3). Here are a few No-No’s of worship:
Four No-No’s of Worship for Christians
- ANGEL WORSHIP: Worshiping Angels or putting an emphasis on them is a no-no. Angels are ‘ministering spirits sent to help those who will inherit salvation’. Like you and me, they are created beings, they are not God.
- DEMONIC WORSHIP: Having your palm read, reading horoscopes or tarot cards and engaging in astrology is an occult practice that is forbidden. Many think these are harmless games or okay once-in-a-while but they open the door and invite demonic activity into a persons life. This is a big no-no.
- CREATION WORSHIP: Worshiping or giving honor to the sun, moon, stars, ocean, or anything created is a no-no.
- IDOL WORSHIP: Studies show that Americans pull up to the alter of television, social media, and other forms of entertainment for many hours a day. Overly devoting your time, talent, or treasure to stimulus that feeds the endorphins of the brain and not the life of the spirit puts us in risk of bondage and idol worship. Other forms of misdirected affections of the heart can often be tied to worship or adoration of famous people, sports figures, achievement, money, work, and more.
Anything or anyone that takes first place in your heart other than God is a no-no. Every heart is prone to get off track at times. What pleases God is that when we recognize our heart starting to drift, that we correct back to Him to worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His name is Jesus.
- Is there anything occupying your heart that is competing with your affection for God?
- What are the ‘temptations’ that cause your heart to drift?
- Is there someone you need to speak to about a no-no of worship?
Principle: Anything that takes first place in a Christian’s heart dethrones God to become your god, yet God is long suffering waiting for you to return.