The Ache For Companionship

by Scott Hogle on July 20, 2021

Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us”? James 4:5

What emotion would you use to describe your longing for God; guess what word God uses to describe his longing for you? Have you ever desired someone’s time and affection so much that it created an ache in you? Or wished you had the ear of someone who’s attention you longed for? For a spouse it could be there mate if one has been gone for a long time on a trip, for a parent it could be their wandering child, or for a child it could be an emotionally distant parent. We have all at one point or another desired and longed for relationship with someone who was out of reach for whatever reason. The Apostle James uses the word ‘jealous’ to describe the emotion God feels toward us when our emotions and desires do not want what he wants. God strongly yearns for relationship with us and he desires your time and affection. When my sons grew into teenagers, they desired to be with friends more than dad, this created a longing, an ache in me for their friendship and fellowship.  

To share our affection or to set our sights on the wrong things causes God to ache with a jealousy, a yearning for you to want what He wants for you. To want what God wants, consider setting your heart on things above that may include:

PURPOSE: To each person, God has given an ‘Assignment in Season’. This means that when you sensitize your heart to want God’s Best for you, you will feel a gravitational pull on the inside directing you to fulfill God’s purposes for your life in this season. What do you feel a pull towards today?

GROWTH: You have the ability to accelerate your growth and maturity based on how fast you can learn. Is there an area of interest God has put on your heart to pursue? If you’d like to become a 10 in your lane of calling, consider setting aside reading-writing-learning time each day to pursue the career or knowledge area God wants you to grow in. In time, you will become an expert in your lane of assignment. 

SERVICE: What opportunities are there to serve others in your work environment, church, or community? As God walked and talked with Adam in the garden each day, he also comes along side of us in the work we do. It’s during your work He will fellowship with you while He directs you.


  1. Somebody is longing for your attention today, who are they?
  2. What questions could you craft to put before God as you go about your day today?
  3. The anointing is given for service to God’s purposes, what do you sense God has given you an extra grace for?Somebody is longing for your attention today, who are they?

Principle: Jealousy is one of the emotions God feels toward you, it’s his yearning for you to want what he wants for your life, mainly fellowship with you. 


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