Thank You Lord Pinch Me

by John Tilton on July 08, 2024


“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”
Psalm 100:4-5


Truly God’s love is good and endures forever; especially as I ponder His Word, and how His Word is a testament to his goodness, love, grace and hope in our lives and through all generations.  I am encouraged not to take God’s love and grace for granted, but that I would be intentional and consistent in giving the Lord praise and thanksgiving; and although the scriptures encourage us to do so when we enter into a place of worship and communing together; may our praise and thanksgiving be constantly in our hearts, minds, and uttered from our lips throughout each day.


If I was to be held accountable and pay the price for my sins and mistakes in the past, I really don’t deserve the life in ministry that I am so blessed to be called to, and honored to serve in; or having my beautiful and wonderful wife and family.  Yet, God had a plan to pick me up from the ashes of my most challenging times in my life.  I realize and am thankful that He has always been there, even when I’ve gone astray.  His plan for my life, in His will, in His time, and in His way, prepared me for the plan that He had for me in this season, the season(s) to come, and in ministry.  For all of this, I am so thankful and blessed.  God is faithful!

He continues to shape and mold me daily; showing me His ways and speaking to me in a silent voice through the Holy Spirit, that prompts my mind and sets my heart on things above, where Christ sits at the right hand of our Father.


Dear Lord, THANK YOU!  May my thanksgiving and praise be like a continuous pilot light flame that expresses my love and gratitude to you.  Thus, may the countenance of my life that people see of me, be a product of my thanksgiving, praise and love for you. 


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