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Tame My Tongue

by Fred Alcain on July 19, 2024


With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?
James 3:9-11


Does anyone else feel the Book of James was written for you?  Surely itʻs not just me!  Chapter after chapter Iʻm reminded and encourage to live out my faith in practical ways.  Here in chapter 3 the class continues.  This time with focusing on what the Proverbs say has the power of life and death.

In the words of Mr. Mayer, “my stupid mouth has got me in trouble again; I said too much again.”  Happens way too often for me.  Out of my mouth comes praise and cursing.  Out of my mouth comes praise and curses. The same tongue that God uses and the Holy Spirit guides to encourage, teach and love can quickly turn to one that destroys, proving Jamesʻ words true. 


But, James also writes a truth for me to cling to.  I have been made in the likeness of God and there is fresh water, life giving water at the core of my spring.  My challenge is to keep that water pure and uncontaminated, filtered like our Brita.  How?

  1. Stay close to God and His word.  Yes, simple and said many times, but it needs to start with Him as the source.  When Iʻm in communion with the Father I begin to think as He thinks and act as He acts.
  2. Repent often.  Nothing keeps my heart pure more than coming contrite before the Lord in genuine repentance.  When repentance becomes a quick response to failure, righteousness becomes a more frequent part of my character.
  3. Just do it.  Again, simple and already said, but I just need to stop talking about it and start talking like it.  This canʻt just be words I write when I feel convicted, but a real life application in order to bring about real transformation.


Thank You Jesus for Your grace and mercy!  Help me and my big mouth and loose tongue.  May I speak hope and love into each and every opportunity as Your Holy Spirit advocates for my good.  Forgive me for falling short often and tame my tongue to be a voice of peace, joy and love. Amen


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