“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” (2 Timothy 4:3)
These scriptures are so indicative of today whereby social media and influencers are subtly vying for our minds and hearts. Think of the countless hours that many of us, especially our youth and young adults spend on social media by way of their technological devices including YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Forte Night, and the list goes on and on. Think of how the influencers on social media garner millions of followers that follow everything they post. The content we see and immerse ourselves in if too much and too often will crowd out the things of God, and distract us from the Lord’s will and ways. Beware!
My 12 year-old grandson who loves the Lord loves playing Forte Night, the online computer game. He became a champion playing @ 100 players at a time and winning. However, his parents realized that he was absorbed in the game 6-7 hours a day. They also noticed that his personality was changing a little, where everything was about Forte Night and less time and relationship with the family. Well, his parents graciously restricted him from playing Forte Night for a month to break the gaming hold on him. Being the wonderful young boy that he is, he complied. They’ve recently restored his ability to play the game but only up to 2 hours a day, IF he finishes all of his other responsibilities. There seems to be a better balance, and the funny and family-minded Justice has returned. Recently, he composed a beautiful spoken word about God that he shared with His 6th grade class on his own accord. This was very bold as it wasn’t mandated by his teacher but rather his own choice. Balance and priority on things of the Lord is so important.
Dear Lord, thank you for unveiling to me the importance of putting you first in our lives and not allowing the world’s way to subtly vie and steal our heart and mind on you. Lord, may I always put your first and foremost in my life.