Stop Daydreaming and Grind

by Kyle Lum on June 04, 2024


“A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies ends up in poverty.”
Proverbs‬ ‭28:19‬‬


In this little bit of wisdom, Solomon simply says that work creates our realities, while fantasies and conceptualizing utopian ideals remain poor.

Not just in financial means, but poor in spirit, in personal satisfaction, and in life in general.


While the writing of Solomon was in a time where even electricity wasn’t invented yet, fast forward aeons and here we are, in a modern world with so many conveniences and continual so-called “progression of humanity” that is supposed to advance us.

But advance us, where?

While it’s crucial that we have dreamers, people who fantasize about things and products, ideas and practical living concepts, it’s not a good idea if those fantasies have no tractive momentum—a plan of action to at least test run them to see if they actually mean something.

The advancement of technology has created a completely separate reality—social media—where one can spend hours and hours perusing OTHERS concepts and fantasies and fabricated realities…because many people actually do try to portray themselves as something they really are not.

It creates a “keep up with the Joneses” kind of desire that drives them not toward happiness but futility. So the fantasies continue with no real reality of action.

The proverb holds true. The rambling I just typed out on my smart phone with technology holds true.

See it. Dream it. Run it past the LORD, get His take on it.
Plan it. Hit it.

If it blows up, sweep it up and crank again.

Just don’t stay locked in to daydreams and concepts. Get with it and trust God.


Lord Jesus, thank You for moving me away from daydreams and toward progress. Guide me as I press forward on mission. Amen


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