Giving Statements are Here!

Shared Faith

by Rien Vidad on December 10, 2024


“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” 
2 Timothy 1:5


Paul writes this letter to Timothy remembering the faith he displayed that was, in many ways, instilled in him from his mother (Acts 16:1) and grandmother.  Sincere faith that Paul could now see in him.


There is something to be said of a believing Mother.  In some ways Timothy’s parents reminded me of my own.  His father was a Greek, while his mother was Jewish and a believer.  My Father was saved much later in life, towards the end of it, but from a young age it was my Mother who instilled in me the importance of prayer and faith.

Her own parents were strong believers and instilled that same faith in her, just as Lois did for Eunice.  As a young child and all throughout my childhood, there were so many memories I have of my mother saying this to me – “Just pray.”  On so many occasions, when things looked bleak she would tell me to pray.  To this day, not only does she emphasize the importance of prayer, but I’ll often see her praying.

She is quick to tell me when God has answered one of her prayers, and is quick to give Him the credit.  She was not only the first to instill that faith in me, she examples it through the life she lives today.

Through my years of wandering in the wilderness when I tried to run away from God, her words always came back to me in the toughest of times – “Just pray.”  In the present, it’s what I find myself doing when life gets hard.

As a parent now, I don’t always get it right, just as my own parents didn’t, but the ONE thing we can do is try our best to example, live and pass on our faith to our children.


Father Almighty.  Forgive me Lord for times when I have not been a good example when it came to faith in You.  Thank You Lord for a praying mother and praying grandparents.  May I do my best to instill faith into my children, this I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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