“We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.”
1 Corinthians 2:12-13
History tells us that Paul was a brilliant scholar that had the ability to present profound intellectual dissertations and arguments. Yet he chose to share the simple and spiritually profound message of Jesus Christ, being led by the Spirit. We often hear great intellectual speeches and dissertations, and hence possibly become enamored with the words spoken, and subsequently, the person. Paul is reminding us that we don’t need eloquence and big words to communicate the anointed and simple message of the Gospel. Why? If we are sharing God’s Word, from His Word, there is nothing more anointed, truthful, and powerful. If we are inviting and calling on the Holy Spirit to speak through us, it is God’s will be coming through us. Thus, we also don’t need to coerce people to understand the letter of the spiritual law but let the living word bring life. Education and experience is a great foundation that we can draw on in our words to others. However, Paul is so true in his prompting us to be led by the Holy Spirit, and who we are in Christ in our speech.
These scriptures speak to me as a leader to remember to seek God before I often respond to people so that my personal views and baggage don’t get in the way of leading, encouraging, supporting, communicating, and speaking with people. I find that with my busyness, I tend to speak quickly and act quickly, often wishing that I can rewind the tape or take back my words. I can remember times of thinking, that was a dumb response, or what was I trying to say? Well, we’ve all heard, think before you speak. I like, seek (the Lord) before you speak. I love James 1:19, to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and therefore slow to anger, or get people angry.
Dear Lord, please guide me to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, or make people angry. May I seek you to speak through me for your will and way. May I seek before I speak.