Seeing is Believing

by Fred Alcain on October 18, 2024


Even Simon himself believed, and after being baptized he continued with Philip. And seeing signs and great miracles performed, he was amazed.
Acts 8:13


So this guy Simon was well known in Samaria for his magic and along comes Phillip who started doing a little magic of his own, proclaiming Christ and performing miracles and signs.  As Simon’s audience waned, the crowd began to listen and heed the words of Phillip.  Soon even Simon starts believing in the words Phillip shares, words about the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, the true source of these signs and miracles.

So what caused Simon to believe and embrace Phillip’s ministry?  Verse 13: Simon believed and followed Phillip…and seeing all the signs and miracles he was amazed.  Seems the old phrase “seeing is believing” can sum up Simon’s believer status.


I believe “believing” requires so much more than just witnessing signs and miracles.  We all want signs, we all want to see what we’re getting into before jumping off the plank.  If my belief in Christ is only as strong as my witness to miracles, then at the first sign of turmoil or conflict I’ll begin to question my belief. 

My belief needs to be rooted in the promises of God and who He is, not what he’s done.  While I’ve been witness to God’s miracles in my life and the lives of others, these are mere markers of God’s presence, not his existence. 

In the ministry I’m called to we are committed to present the Gospel in creative ways that reach the heart.  In many ways we are offering examples of God’s power, His grace, His love.  While these examples are meant to touch a heart and bring Him fame, this cannot be the end of itself.  As we present the Gospel we needed a likewise commitment to represent the Gospel.  Simply signs and wonders won’t do.


Lord I believe in You.  I believe in who you are, my Savior, my Healer, and my King.  Thank you for continuing to bless my life and for revealing Yourself in tangible ways, and while I’m in awe of what You’ve done I’m equally in love with who You are. Amen


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