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Run Wise

by John Tilton on November 11, 2024


Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.  Therefore, I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.  No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27


Paul shares such an insightful teaching and philosophy of discipline in his call and plan to preach the Gospel.  He’s very clear in teaching that many can participate, or compete and train, but only one wins.  This illustration can seem to be worldly and secular about competing for a prize; however, he encourages them to seek an eternal prize.  Paul centers on the effort of discipline and running a wise race.  What is astute is his encouragement to be wise and not with a “kamikaze” or reckless approach.  In order to do this, he takes control of his body wholistically and holistically so that nothing of himself can disqualify him in his goal to succeed and win … wow!


This is such a profound reminder to me in all that I am called to do, and especially in serving God.  It is a reminder to be disciplined, intentional, strategic, and in control of myself.  It is often so easy to get involved in many things that are before me, thinking I am working toward and succeeding.  Subsequently, only to realize that much of my efforts were not needed, and in fact a waste of time.  The word distractions come to mind.  It is so easy to be distracted. I believe distraction is an instrument of the enemy.  I do know that I will perform and do as I have prepared and trained; and that it is so important to put in the time in preparation and training or “getting the reps in” as athletes say.  I also know that my body, mind, actions and words can be key attributes that can help me achieve my goals if I steward them well, less I be disqualified by being physically inept, morally sideways in character with actions and words that are not appropriate or righteous.  Yes, I am reminded that success and winning any race is based on intent, planning, preparation, training, focus, and a righteous heart.  The result is results and the fulfillment of my call and assignments, with an anointing from the Lord.  Many are blessed with talents and gifts; however, running smart will give one the edge to run well, finish the race, and claim the Lordʻs prize.


Lord, I pray that you will give me intent, diligence, focus, and follow through in all that I do each day to fulfill my call and assignments; yet be mindful and intentional of how I need to keep the heart of Jesus and His ways in all that I do.  Please keep me disciplined and dedicated in my planning, preparation, process and thereby realizing the prize you have for me in your master plan and purpose.


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