by Scott Hogle on January 17, 2022

So the sisters sent word to Him, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.” But when Jesus heard this, He said, “This sickness is not to end in death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by it.” John 11:3-4

Lord, how do you want to use this? This is the question I would ask God when facing multiple occurrences of cancer. There comes a point when you get warn down and want to throw your hands up and say, ‘I give up’. But that is the moment we are not to give up but give it to God and rest in Him. If you are at your wits-end or worn out, may I invite you to cup your hands, hold them over your head in a gesture of release and give what is weighing on you to God , then ask Him, ‘Lord, how do you want to use this?’, then let God use it for His purposes.

The struggles in life themselves are the ‘working materials’ God uses to demonstrate His power in you to help you breakthrough. The purposes of God are not always known on the front end. With the Lazarus situation, people saw someone sick who was dying but Jesus knew that God wanted to use Lazarus’s situation to help many more. When God’s power is manifest through you, He is glorified and faith rises with those who hear your story. It is in your struggle that when your faith is exercised, others are strengthened. If you have something you are going through today, the struggle itself is the ‘working material’ God will use to grow your faith and help you and others breakthrough. Give your situation to God, give Him time to work, and see what He will do. 


  1. What situation are you wrestling with that you can give to God?
  2. When you imagine how God may want to use your situation, what comes to mind?
  3. How has God used your struggles in the past to strengthen others?

Principle: The struggles in life themselves are the ‘working materials’ God uses to demonstrate His power in you to help you breakthrough. 


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