Pursue Perfect Peace

by Fred Alcain on July 15, 2022


"Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14)


The scenario usually goes something like this; 1) someone does something that I perceive as wrong or don’t agree with 2) I wrestle with how to respond to this perceived act of resistance or rejection 3) I lash out and speak my mind, choosing justice over grace.  My default response, or maybe reaction is a better noun, is to handle things my way, cause only my way will bring about peace in my turbulent heart.  Summary: I got it all wrong!


So many good things in Hebrews 11, ENDURANCE, DISCIPLINE but it all wraps around this “simply difficult” command, PURSUE PEACE WITH ALL ME.  But peace doesn’t satisfy my craving for conflict.  It doesn’t pacify the problems that abound.  It doesn’t ignite my intensity which in turns propels my productivity.


To me, being a peacemaker results in turmoil, a frustrating turmoil running rampant in my mind.  Advocating peace and unity often requires me to bind the fury and fire that burns my soul.  It doesn’t bring me to a place of peace, rather it frustrates me to a place of uncertainty and evaluation.

I desire unity, but only if it fits into my ideal of unity, which often means I’m comfortable, I get my way, I’m ok. But what does a true peace, a peace in God and inspired by God mean?

  1. It means being still before the Lord and trusting Him, allowing him to avenge and handle things. 
  2. It means allowing His anointed to operate without resistance, regardless of how I feel about it.  
  3. It means dodging spears if need to, and offering up the other cheek and going the 2nd mile. 
  4. It means putting away the blade when the kill is being served on a platter.
  5. It means not complaining to those who I know will have my back and empower my agenda.
  6. It means if I have a problem or complaint I take it to God and God alone.
  7. It means peacemakers sow peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

Bottom line: I need to let God handle things.  He always does.

When I take an honest evaluation of where I am, I fail miserably in this area.  But God’s promise and call on my life is bigger than my tendencies to fail.  Jesus’ love is much more potent than the vengeance in my heart.  I need to remember that that love resides in me, peace resides in me, because He lives in me. Hope is alive. We are victorious.


Jesus, I need you.  Thank You for Your perfect peace.  Amen


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