“While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, ʻBeware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. ʻ”
Luke 20:45-46
Jesus speaks of the scribes who were held in high esteem because of their knowledge and the work they did related to the laws of the Lord. They preferred to dress in flowing robes which was not wrong in itself, unless the attire exampled the heart of the scribes and lack of character, which it did. They also expected and received honor, recognition and the best seats, or “VIP” status in the synagogues and at banquets … entitlement? Essentially, they lacked character and integrity in how they treated people often using doctrine to gain more then was fair. Their long prayers rather than connecting with God was more a reflection of their pride. Everything about them appeared to impress rather than minister to people as they sought admiration and honor for themselves … self-exaltation? In essence, their exalting themselves allowed pride to continue to permeate their heart and who they were within. Jesus issues a stern warning that given their authority and misleading doctrine, driven by their character flaw and greed; that subsequently, their punishment would be the most severe. In Matthew and Luke, Jesus warns us that whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
I just love the direct and revealing truth and warning that speak to me from these scriptures; to refrain from letting authority, position, the role of leadership, and success to manifest into pride, expectation, entitlement and self-exaltation, and therefore, find its way into my character, integrity, and actions. The important realization is that we are often blind to the pride and character faults that creep in. By virtue of leadership and authority, the mantle of respect and honor will usually be afforded to us. However, I really want to be careful not to allow respect and honor to manifest itself into my seeking to exalt myself. I know that it can be revealed in my words, my body language and countenance. I want to check myself even in conversations whether I am a listener or one that wants to talk about myself (brag) and my position (stature) or achievements. Do I use knowledge and facts for gain instead of encouragement, support and growth? The famous quote of “pride comes before the fall” rings in my ear to be very careful of the position, role, authority and leadership that God has blessed me with, less it all be taken away due to my lack of stewardship and humility.
I just had the privilege of leading and being a part of a wonderful community special event. As people expressed their gratitude and praise for a great success; these scriptures bless me by checking my heart to be careful not to take the accolades and praise for myself and puff me up; but instead to give glory to the Lord for the opportunity, His gifts, His working through everyone involved, and His hand of blessing.
Dear Lord, thank you again for another heart check and lesson in what you expect of me in blessing me with favor and a role of leadership. Please guide me to steward what you give me and to recognize when I am becoming more about self rather then exalting you. May a sense of humility always be hovering in my heart and mind; being thankful for your blessings and call on my life. May the physical sign of how I influence people be a vertical nod of one’s head in my testimony; rather than a horizontal turn of one’s head from left to right in disappointment and disdain.