New Hope Oʻahu's 29th Anniversary is HERE!

Pillars Not Pushovers

by Fred Alcain on June 21, 2024


“The high places, however, were not removed, and the people still had not set their hearts on the God of their ancestors.”
2 Chronicles 20:33


Jehoshaphat followed the Lord as his father did.  Won battles in God’s name and became a prosperous ruler.  But at the end of days he fell short in 2 things:

  1. Idols still remained
  2. People still weren't committed completely to God

God’s word is clear, His commands concise. Yet we continually compromise what is excellently and easily explained.  Why do we do it?  My thought is a lot of times we compromise, we don’t “finish the game” and follow through completely with good intent.  Perhaps it’s to keep the peace, or not make waves.  A lot of times, I see our compromises as weak attempts to please people.  Yes, Jehosophat did not stray from the Lord, but he left a couple things on the table.  Why?  Maybe he feared the people would rise up against him.  Yes, they would tolerate the destruction of Baal, but would balk at the thought of losing their other man-made images.  Either way, his failure to remove all other gods before Him would less than favorable results.  He was almost there.  But because he didn’t finish the game, instead settling for the big lead he had at the half, he, like so many other compromising Christians, ends up ultimately losing the game.


While we are called to be people of grace, leaving justice to Christ alone, we need a clear and united voice in terms of what grace really is.  Yes, grace is that brave act of forgiveness, but grace can also be displayed through the shepherd’s rod, nudging his sheep back into the fold.  Even as we deal with sin among the saints, we need a commitment to grace that results in complete healing and wholeness for the offender as well as the offended.  Guidelines are starts, Covenants give clear direction, but nothing will outweigh a pure and simple devotion to Jesus.  Pure devotion makes the decisions definitive; simple devotion makes the action obvious.

A wise man said to me, “be a pillar not a pushover”.  Pillars stand courageously in the face of opposition, love abundantly instead of judging and commit wholly instead of bowing to the status quo.  Being righteous isn’t always the popluar thing, but it sure beats squandering the promise offered by the blood of Christ.


Jesus, You and me make the majority.  May I constantly and consistently look to Your goodness and righteousness and move in Your will and authority.  Less of me Lord, and more of You.  Amen


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