Peace, Love & Jesus

by John Tilton on July 15, 2024


“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.  See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”
Hebrews 12:14-15


RELATIONSHIP!  Such an important encouragement, that not only is grace and peace, the foundation to healthy relationships with others, and the least conflict; but that healthy relationships are the key to success in achieving our goals, and living a holy life.  Subsequently, peace, relationships, and holiness are the steps to our seeing the Lord in His glory.   


I witnessed how peaceful and gracious approaches to relationships and life, will often open hearts, minds, and opportunities.  I’ve also witnessed how “life happens,” people make mistakes, feelings get hurt.  Yet, as the word says, seeking peace is essential in the first and most important step and key to life abundant, without turmoil and strife.

We are in a time in society and the world, where division and strife is rampant, and is often the plan for people to find success ... through division and chaos.  Although people will take sides, as in our current political scene, division and disharmony may result in momentary results, but never long-term peace, resolution, and renewal.  More than ever, as the lyrics to an old classic song say “what the world needs now, is love, sweet love ...”  Although the world may be increasing in division and disharmony, God’s will and word is very clear that it is the key to holiness and seeing Him.  It is so clear.  Thus, may we heed the clear truth of God’s command to live in peace and love.


Dear Lord, thank you for reminding and encouraging me about the importance and key that I seek peace and grace in my demeanor, my words, my receptivity, and therefore what others see, that allows me to build a bridge of wholesome relationships that open hearts, minds, and ways to live in harmony, peace, and love .... even in these last days of the end times where division and disharmony is so prevalent.  May the peace, understanding, and love of Jesus be our covering and mantle.


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