Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:10-12
The Apostle Paul was a soldier’s soldier. He spoke of an invisible war that was being waged with eternal consequences. For the Christian, we would not intentionally trade what feels good over what is right or temporal benefits for eternal consequences, yet it’s easy to do in the micro-decisions we make. Micro- decisions of choosing what feels right over what is right in God’s eyes can sneak up on us, even for the seasoned saint. When you consider what God may be asking you to fight for vs. surrender, what comes to mind with regard to your work life, your home life, and your friendships?
Godly Things Worth Fighting for
- Choosing the right people in your life.
- Developing spiritual disciplines.
- Having the courage to confront bad behavior.
- Letting others be heard.
- Prioritizing quiet time for devotions.
- Trusting God’s Word over your feelings.
- Pursuing God’s purposes for your life.
Things Worthy of Surrendering to God
- Allowing the wrong people in your life.
- Engaging in harmful habits.
- Being liked by people over being right with God.
- Dismissing others’ opinions.
- Using screen time for entertainment.
- Letting your emotions determine your decisions.
- Making lifestyle choices that conflict with godliness.
Success in one season of life does not guarantee success in every season. Contending to maintain your surrender to God is an intentional act that must be renewed regularly. At some point, everyone wrestles with God over the “gods” in their life they have put above the one true God. However, we are promised that the short-term pain of letting go will not compare with the long-term freedom and strength we will experience in Christ.
- If you had to make a list of things you should be fighting for or surrendering to God, what would that list look like?
- What could you achieve if the weights holding you down were removed?
- Why does God not force people to surrender to Him?
We don’t need to be told what to surrender to God, only reminded when we are resisting again.