Mindful of Christ

by John Tilton on June 17, 2024


“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”
Colossians 3:1-3


There’s a health saying that says you are what you eat; meaning that your physical health is often based on the type of foods you partake of.  So to, be it with what we allow into our minds, and our hearts to be exposed to and experience, and allow to surround us, and come into contact with.  We often don’t often realize how and what we are being influenced by, especially in things of the world; made to appear so enticing and good for us. The scriptures encourage us to instead e focused on Jesus and the things of the Lord, including His word, His will, and His ways.  Our intent should be to have the heart of Jesus, seeking to develop the attributes of Jesus in our character, relationships, and values.


It is so important for me to be mindful of the things above, based on what I allow my mind to dwell on, and what I allow into my life.  I need to be intentional and diligent with filters for my mind and heart, that come through my eyes and ears, as to what I partake of and ingest; for it will either set my mind on the world, or set my mind on the things above.  My time with Christ and in His word are the lessons, learning, life-coaching, and training that comes from the Lord.  May the things of the Lord fill me and push out the ways of the world.


Dear Lord, please give me the strength and character to ward off the things of the world that try to quietly creep into my life; and guide me to intentionally be mindful of you, and all the things above in you.


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