"While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep."
Acts 7:59-60
In the face of a death caused by those who would hate me and my faith, would this be the last words out of my mouth? Would I possess enough grace to forgive? Would I be bold enough to stand up for what I believe?
After being wrongly accused and unfairly judged, Stephen spoke from his heart, and eloquently laid it all out for everyone to hear and see - and paid for his boldness with death.
If I’m to honestly answer my own questions, the answers no. I don’t possess enough grace - I can barely offer grace in the smallest and simplest of offenses – I’m not bold enough – I often hide behind art to tell my story of who Jesus is in my life.
But I love Stephen’s warrior spirit, his heart, his uncompromising conviction. I also appreciate how he’s calling me out:
- Do I have the boldness to tell others about God?
- Am I willing to die for my faith?
- Do I have the conviction to stand up for His truth, His heart, His ways – even in the face of accusation and opposition.
- Am I willing to look like a fool for Jesus?
- Would I pray as Stephen did - for my enemies that stone me with words and attitudes?
I don't want to be wishy-washy, lukewarm, puking in the face of adversity.
I want to man up and be ready and willing at a moment’s notice to testify of my God, without regard for comfort, cost or welfare. But how?
Stephen says in v51, “you stiff-necked fools…you always resist the Holy Spirit.” Stephen was in the power of the Holy Spirit, that in the climax of his persecution he gazed into heaven and “saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God” (v55).
Stephen was full of the Spirit. It was through the Spirit that Stephen boldly and accurately made account of his faith, having no fear of the repercussions.
As I man up and pursue His presence and action in my life I need to commit to:
- Stay in the Word of God.
- Intentionally set aside time to allow Him to speak to me. Time to clear my head of all the clutter and train my ears to hear His voice
- Stay disciplined. Commit what I type to my heart and have my actions speak, not just my words.
- Man up. Figure it out already! God has worked miracle after miracle in my life. Stop wasting time and squandering opportunities.
Jesus, thank You for Your grace. May I commit to man up as I look up to You, surrendering my will and way for Your presence and power. Amen