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Life Is Tough

by Justin Smith on July 26, 2023


And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 1 Peter 5:10


I’m sure I’m not alone in experiencing the fact that life can be tough. Whether it’s relationship pain, financial strain, or your name being defamed, the things we face on a daily basis can easily break our hearts, overwhelm our emotions and cloud our perspective, but today I rejoice in the hope and truth of 1 Peter 5.

Peter faced some major disappointments in his life and journey with Jesus, so he was well aware of what it felt like to fail, to suffer, and to face overwhelming circumstances. From this experience, he shares wisdom on how to overcome. The devil is on the prowl, he says, so resist and stand firm. Our effort, our commitment to obedience, and our willingness to stand is key, but the good news is that the battle doesn’t end with our efforts. Peter goes on to say, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” God, Himself, promises to restore. God, Himself, promises to make you strong. God, Himself, promises to make you firm. God, Himself, promises to make you steadfast. Yes…I wish the passage didn’t say “…after you have suffered a little while…” because life sure would be easier if we didn’t have to suffer. Yet, I find hope that the “God of all grace” bestows His sufficient grace to sustain me in the suffering. Yet, I find hope that the God who “called me to HIs eternal glory”, has a plan and is redeeming the suffering for our growth and His glory. Yet, I find hope that, ultimately, He promises to restore us and make us strong, firm, and steadfast.


Life is tough, and you may be facing some pretty tough circumstances right now which may have broken your heart, overwhelmed your emotions, and clouded your perspective. You may feel like you have faced suffering for more than “a little while", but may this passage encourage you to stand and resist the devil a little longer knowing that:

His grace is with you!

He has called you!

He will restore you!

He will make you strong!

He will make you firm!

He will make you steadfast!

If your hope is fading and your will to stand is shrinking, may you found a renewed perspective in these Truths! You might feel alone, but He is with you! You might feel like you can’t go on, but our Mighty God of grace is moving!


Jesus, please help. Help us to stand when we feel like we can’t. Help us to resist the devil when our heart doesn’t care to. Help us to remain steadfast in every hardship. Help us to rely on Your grace knowing that You promise to restore, strengthen and empower us. When life is tough help us to trust! In Your name, Amen!


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