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Leadership Levers of Motivation

by Scott Hogle on November 17, 2024

Then I said to them, “You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach.” I told them how the hand of my God had been favorable to me and also about the king’s words which he had spoken to me. Then they said, “Let us arise and build.” So they put their hands to the good work.
Nehemiah 2:17-18

Persuasive elements embedded within your vision are what will make people buy in. Passion, pain, purpose, pleasure, or pursuit of solving a problem are the energy forces leaders tap into to rouse a sleepy workforce. These are the inherent motivators within people that spark the wellspring of motivation lying dormant within and unleash a drive to work without ceasing. Why do they work without ceasing? Because they are not just working for a paycheck but for a purpose that takes them to a future that transcends their present. Nehemiah knew how to tap into this wellspring of emotion and energy buried within the people. He knew what was sacred in them and pushed on the right leadership levers. How did he do that? He baited his hook with what he knew the fish would bite. Here are a few ways in which you as a leader can bait the hook of buy-in using the people’s “why” to draw them into a cause worth fighting for.

CAST VISION WITH SELF-INTEREST ATTACHED: Paint a picture of a future that is better than the present for the organization and the people. If a person can’t “see” how your vision benefits them and not just the organization, you will not convince them to buy in wholeheartedly. The strongest visions help people to see what they can achieve, who they can become, and what they can attain, whether it be financial, emotional, or social.

CAST PURPOSE WITH STICKINESS: People want to be part of some- thing bigger than themselves. Leaders look for angles that will help them position their vision as “first times,” “never been done befores,” “impossible odds,” “victorious outcomes,” and “history-making.” When you help people achieve and become with you what they could not without you, they will follow you into the uncertainty of an adventuresome future.

CAST ACCOUNTABILITY WITH CONSEQUENCES: Share with people what their role and responsibility will be, then expect it. Without risk and reward, there is no significance in the success or consequence in the loss if the vision doesn’t come to pass.

CAST WITH PASSION: Emotion creates motion. When people feel your heart, you unlock the door of emotion and passion within them. The picture of passion in your heart imprints on their heart and partnership is formed. People must buy into the messenger before they buy into the message, so always show your heart before you sell your vision. As the messenger becomes the message, the mission transfers.


  1. What bait do you use to get people excited about what you are excited about?

  2. What is the vision hidden in your heart you want your family, friends, or coworkers to buy into?

  3. What is the passion or pain point right now in your life that God is using to start a conversation with you?

People must buy into the messenger before they will buy into the message, so always show your heart before you sell your vision. As the messenger becomes the message, the mission transfers.


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