Knowledge is Power

by Fred Alcain on July 05, 2024


My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.
Hosea 4:6


As the word of the Lord continues to be spoken through His prophet Hosea, towards the middle of their latest admonishment comes powerful words that could be the root of their entire problem.  “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” God’s blueprint was clear as day yet time and time again, His chosen people would continue to look elsewhere for fulfillment and in turn drift farther and farther away from God’s perfect love.

Today’s world is full of words and images which distract and misinform minute to minute if not second to second.  Notifications are pushed to our devices at a relentless pace and our curiosity to be informed has threatened are ability to be knowledgeable. While information is great, we can never stray from knowledge.   Israel forgot who they were as God’s chosen. They stopped communing with the One who chose them.  Instead of remaining close to God and His word, they leaned into the things of the world.  And their decisions proved fatal.  Knowledge is power, and Israel squandered their true strength.


Hosea’s words to Israel are an important reminder to me to stay knowledgeable, the source of the knowledge being the infallible word of God.  Jesus, plain and simple. When I meditate on His word I begin to think as He thinks and act as He acts.  I am filled with the knowledge required to rebuke and refute any misinformation that comes my way.


Jesus, thank You for your pure and perfect love.  May I never stray from Your word as I stand firm as an ambassador of truth.  Amen


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