Integrity for the Inheritance

by Fred Alcain on March 14, 2025


“You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."
Deuteronomy 25:15


At the cusp of entering the Promised Land, God continues to instruct and guide as to “how then shall you live”, addressing the utmost importance of fairness, honesty and integrity.  Weighing everything with accurate and honest scales will ensure a community not only in obedience and surrender to God, but in obedience and surrender to each other.


Today I’m challenged in to be sure to use accurate and honest weights and measures in all my efforts and all my actions.  While I don’t carry around a literal scale to measure things, I can measure my integrity.  How?

The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  My integrity is directly tied in to my commitment to the truth.  No compromises. At times it might seem beneficial to maybe leave out a part of the truth that may not directly affect the current conversation or situation, but my commitment needs to be to have my “hands on the table” with nothing to hide or delay.  While at times the risk is conflict, at all times the risk is worth it.  As I trust and follow God’s commands I can also trust that honesty will lead to greater blessing in the long run.

And it’s the long run that I need to stay committed to.  Integrity leads to longevity.  Integrity leads to the inheritance. The Promised Land was there for the taking, but how long the Israelites would actually inhabit it was up to them and their commitment to trust and obey.  God is basically telling them, “live with integrity then live long in the land I’m giving You.”  A plain directive for a grand future. 

Today I’m challenged to walk in integrity in all things to receive the full blessings of the inheritance.  To approach every challenge and victory with accurate and honest weights, trusting His promises by obeying His commands.


Jesus, thank you again for Your grace.  Your unconditional love that moves me to simply trust and obey.  I pray You guide my steps to walk in integrity for the sake of all the things You have called me to be and do.  Help me to resist the temptation to compromise and to always seek and pursue what is right. Amen


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