In High Positions

by John Tilton on March 11, 2024


“As for those who seemed to be important—whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not judge by external appearance—those men added nothing to my message.  On the contrary, they saw that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as Peter had been to the Jews.  For God, who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the Jews, was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles.”
Galatians 2:6-8



Earlier in the chapter, Paul seems to rightfully so put an importance of going to the believers who were leaders in Jerusalem with his revelation from God to gain support and affirmation.  However, he soon came to realize that God chooses those He calls, and not necessarily always those with position, rank and of external importance.  Thus, he initially was looking for affirmation and support by the leaders there; soon realizing that position and external appearance is not God’s essential criteria, nor affirmation and support by those on high positions.  God sure can use great leaders.  However, the point being that anointing and call does not hinge on one’s position and external appearance, but more importantly, Paul realized that the key is whom God calls and entrusts His will and assignment to.


I admit that coming from a secular and corporate background, I often assume that those who have obtained position and importance are the ones that can do the job.  Perhaps, they are the ones that I can turn to, depend on, and seek support it what I am called to do.  I guess it is natural to be enamored with position, importance, stature, looks and reputation.  We may at times also feel as if we are not up to the call or feel inadequate, that we look for others of importance to come along side us and back us up.  Yet God is saying to me, realize that it really comes down to me looking for whom God is calling.  Why?  God will equip the called and not necessarily call the equipped.  Sometimes, as we read earlier in the chapter, those who seem of importance can have their own agenda and be full of falsehoods.  I know that I’ve sometimes gotten excited to hear that someone of great importance and position in the secular might be interested or involved in getting involved in ministry; resulting in much importance being put on that person, rather then the team and what that person can bring to the team.  Whereas, there may be someone on the team who has no great title or resume, but evidently has the call, heart, anointing, and actions.



Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me the importance of whom you call and the anointing you place on them as opposed to looking for those of importance to call into your service.  I pray that you would give me discernment in whom you call; that you will gift me with those things that I will need to serve you best, and check me on getting enamored with celebrity or position.


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