If He Said It, Then He’ll Do It

by Donovan Sabog on March 06, 2025


Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Mark 13:31


As Jesus and His disciples stand in awe of the temple in front of them, He tells them that as indestructible as it may seem, one day, it will pass away. He goes on to explain all of the other trials and turmoil this fragile world will face: wars, earthquakes, famines, and more will cause great destruction. He brings to their attention the frailty of the world––that even though things, people, and places may seem immutable, they are not. One day, even the greatest things will pass away. 

However, Jesus tells us that there is one thing that will never pass away: His words. His words will never pass away. God is a man of His word, and He is faithful to His promises. If He said it, then He’ll do it. No matter the circumstances, and no matter the odds, nothing can change God’s words. His promises are certain, and if it has not happened yet, it will happen in due time.  


Is there a word that God has spoken over your life that you have given up on?

Answering that question myself, yes, there is. I look back on my life and think about visions God has given me, messages He has spoken to me, and prophetic words He spoke through people over me that I gave up on because they seemed so impossible. “How can God’s words be true when the words of others suggest otherwise?” “How can that still come true when so much time has passed?” “How can that happen to me when those in control favor someone else?” Rather than believe in God’s words, I valued man’s words. Rather than remember God’s answers, I was distracted by man’s questions. And rather than trusting in the surety, authority, and finality of God’s faithfulness, I trusted in the frailty of man. However, today, God reminds me through this Scripture that God’s promises always stand. No matter the odds, no matter the people, and no matter the circumstances, I will hold on tightly to God’s words, for they are certain––they will come to pass in due time.

God is a man of His word. If He said it, He’ll do it. Although people may say otherwise, don’t listen to their lies, for they are not true. Although the passage of time may urge you to give up, keep going, knowing that God is preparing you for the promise. And although the devil may try to disguise his deception in that which hurts the most, don’t be distracted, for he is powerless against your almighty and good God.

Today, “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23 NIV). God has the final word. And if God said it, He will do it––for His words will never pass away.


Father God,

Thank You for speaking to me. Forgive me for the times where I have forgotten your promises, devalued your words, and falsely believed in the power of man over Your power. I repent, and I turn to You. Continue to speak to me, help me to remember Your words, and when I forget, remind me again of Your love. Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path––may Your words light my way into eternity and beyond.

In Jesus’ name,


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