New Hope Oʻahu's 29th Anniversary is HERE!

I Spy A Mentor

by Scott Hogle on July 14, 2024

Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. And a disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek, and he was well spoken of by the brethren who were in Lystra and Iconium. Paul wanted this man to go with him.
Acts 16:1-3

What qualities attract a good mentor? Timothy stood out to Paul from the start. Timothy was likeable, teachable, young, and impressionable, which meant he was moldable. Mentors who have to do heavy lifting to get mentees on the same page with them eventually move on and find a new student they can invest in. Many hear the call of the Divine Mentor; few heed it.

There are two ways to learn: mentors or mistakes. God may assign you mentors you don’t like. A mentor is anyone who is will- ing to invest in you, either for a season or a moment that adds value to you. Do you know how to spot a mentor when you see them? Consider who within your reach may be a good mentor.

Mentors will be the difference makers in Your life! Mentors...

  • May be a teacher, guidance counselor, coach, parent, boss, pastor, or priest who believes in us, invests in us, and cares for us.
  • Give us their time and resource us with ideas, tools, and insights.
  • Share their experience with us to inspire us and paint pictures of a potential future.
  • Believe in us by providing encouragement, confidence, and inspiration.
  • Guide us on big decisions and become a friend when life doesn’t go our way.
  • Help us to see more, travel faster, and go farther than those without a mentor.


  1. Whom might God have placed in your life to mentor you that you have ignored?
  2. Do you have mentors (teachers) who rub you the wrong way yet add value to you?
  3. Why does God use mentors to advance His children in the marketplace?

The most valuable reward you will receive in life isn’t a paycheck; it’s a person—a mentor.


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