Acts 18:26-“He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately."
I love the story of Aquila and Priscilla, the husband and wife team in ministry for the purpose of equipping and training up leaders. When we come to Christ for salvation, God calls us to “go..and make disciples.” When God called Mary and me into ministry and into the leadership role, He directs us to equip others to lead more effectively.
Both Mary and I have been blessed in this church that raises up young leaders and the next generation of leaders that will take over the church. New Hope Oahu is all about the next generation of leaders and provides education and ministry to spread their wings and grow in leadership. These young leaders often will seek out mentorship and advice from those that went before them in the church. And Mary and I are always seeking to help develop these eager and anxious young leaders.
Many of our Next Step classes and teaching are Online driven. I feel these young leaders are not motivated to volunteer to attend or help facilitate these Online classes. They may feel like Apollos in Acts where they knew a lot but not the complete Gospel.
We must always give an invitation to the next generation to jump in and either attend these classes or be a part of the shepherding and facilitating of these classes. This is a huge step in their developing stage of leadership. Lord, Mary and I pray that we are always thinking of ways to get the Next Generation of leaders involved with these new classes and next step programs.
Father, thank you for the story of Apollos and how Priscilla and Aquila saw potential in the works. I pray to the Lord that Mary and I have eyes that see and a heart to help these young leaders develop and grow in the church. We do this for the continued success of New Hope Oahu - I pray these things, Amen.