His Strength My Surrender

by Fred Alcain on April 02, 2021


Judges 13:3-5-Then the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, ‘Behold now, you are barren and have borne no children, but you shall conceive and give birth to a son. Now, therefore, be careful not to drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing. For behold, you shall conceive and give birth to a son, and no razor shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines.’"


Samson was created and called by God to deliver his people from the Philistines. He and his parents were given strict and specific orders, and all he needed to do to fulfill the call on his life was to obey and follow.

He accomplished many mighty things in the name of the Lord, his strength surpassed all, he killed a lion as if it was nothing, God even saw fit to hook him up with a woman from the enemy! Yet even though God’s promises were fulfilled before his very eyes in unimaginable ways, Samson still struggled to see the promise all the way through.


I was born into this world pretty normal. My mother and father weren’t visited by an angel of the Lord, nor was any strict diet or grooming order given to ensure my success. I have however witnessed God do great, mighty, and unimaginable things right in front of my eyes. I can’t explain it nor do I desire to. Instead, I remain to be faithful so God can continue to do extraordinary things through my ordinariness.

I also desire to stay in awe and wonder of God’s works in my life and ministry, never growing content and never relying on my own limited power to make things happen. It’s all about His strength and my surrender. I wonder if Samson was impressed with himself, his strength, his power. Even when calling on God and having faith in him, I wonder if Samson was confident that he could take care of things on his own.

May it never be so for me. Instead, I desire to stay in awe of God and aware of His power. 3 things:

  1. Don’t act a fool! Samson did some kooky things; riddles, honey from the lion, etc.
  2. Don’t let anyone or thing come between you and God. Seems to me Samson was easily distracted, taking his eyes and heart off of his true purpose.
  3. Understand where you’re “power” comes from and protect it at all cost. I protect it by: Staying in contact with him (Prayer). Staying in connection with Him (Devotions).


Jesus thank you for choosing me! I’ve seen Your mighty hand do mighty things time and time again. May I be forever enamored with Your excellence and humbled by Your power. I lean on Your strength and surrender all. If You can use anything Lord You can use me. Amen.

read today's devotions


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