God's Patience

by Richard Waialeale on December 30, 2021


I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last because with them God’s wrath is completed. (Revelation 15:1)


Chapter 15 unfolds in the period of time known as the Tribulation—the seven-year period following the Rapture of the church. In chapter 15, we’ll begin to see God pour out His wrath on the world that rejected His payment for their sin—an understanding vital to the events that follow, for it is only a clear understanding of Revelation 15 that keeps us from thinking God unfair in chapters 16 through 19.

In Revelation 15, God says, “I have been patient with human rebellion and depravity—and now the bowls are full.”
I camp on this point because people who read the Bible casually or hear a story in a Sunday sermon occasionally can think God is cruel. We must explain to them how patient God is—but that we must not mistake His patience for apathy, impotence, or approval of sin. For while the wheels of God’s judgment turn slowly, they do, indeed, grind thoroughly.


I must lead the way with the book Revelation and understanding the Word of God. Many people have questions and what might seem like they are attempting to stump me with their questions are actually real and simple questions that can be explained and answered only with God’s Word. Whenever someone comes at me with a question, ask God to help me explain to them in a gentle and loving way how much God loves us and is patient with us. There is still some time left to save those that are still on the fence. Take action now.


Father, I pray that You use me in ways to reach those that have built a wall against believing.  Use me Lord to save as many lives and win over the souls of those that need Christ in their lives.  Amen.


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