God's Force Multiplier

by Scott Hogle on September 15, 2024

However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.
1 Corinthians 11:11-12

God has prepared gifts for you that are hidden within others. God gave a part of Himself to women that He didn’t give to men. This can include talents, dispositions, and parts of a personality unique to Him. Whenever my wife and I don’t see eye to eye, I ask myself what she may be seeing that I am not seeing or what part of God’s greatness is coming through her that I may be missing. There are parts of God’s personality uniquely embedded within women that are not inherent or entirely absent within a man and vice versa. For example, women typically are more intuitive, discerning, compassionate, gentle, nurturing, and patient than a man. In God’s grand design, He plants gifts in one that, when combined with another, makes a pair stronger together than when separate. King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 4:9, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.”

Whether in a relationship with a spouse, a coworker, or an entire team, you can create a force multiplier effect in the home or at the office by leveraging the gifts and personality traits of God that He has planted in those around you. One question to help you get started is to begin talking to God about someone specifically, then ask Him, “What unique part of Yourself did you give to them? Can You show me, please?” Then wait to see what begins to bubble up over the next few days. When you look for the greatness and gifts of God He deposited within others, what you find may surprise you.


  1. God always gives a part of Himself to another that He didn’t give to you. What has He planted in those around you?
  2. God has planted something in you that someone needs; have you discerned whom you are to serve today?
  3. Whom can you strengthen today by communicating why you are stronger with them than without them?

God gives parts of His personality to others He did not give to you. Discovering and combining God’s great design among people creates a force multiplier effect.


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