Then the LORD answered me and said, “Record the vision And inscribe it on tablets, That the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.”
Habakkuk 2:2-3
Have you asked God for a vision for your life? Not all visions come from God, but when God impregnates a vision within you, He does so on the tablet of your heart. Vision shows up as a picture or desire to move you in a specific direction. Once you commit to this vision, your reticular activator, better known as the “attention center of the brain,” begins to capture and catalog all manner of information and inspiration to bring about what God has brought about. Like search results capturing relevant information, your mental neural net is now programmed to recognize and attract unseen forces to help you accomplish the desire that now burns within you from the vision God gave you. This is the built-in mental mechanism God has given you to become successful.
Incubate to impregnate yourself with vision until it is birthed in your life. If you behold the vision and do not let it fade, it will grow and become larger within you. As it grows, it takes shape, and as it does, you are compelled to act on it. Successfully pursuing a vision for your life will include goal setting. Submitting your goals to God will ensure they are healthy and balanced for the journey ahead.
When you write your goals, write them in pencil— they will evolve as you pass through the seasons of life.
Below are a few areas of goal setting to consider. You will need to customize your list based on the area of your life you are working on in this season. Remember, it is not possible to work on ALL goals at the same time. If you chase two rabbits, both will get away.
- Spiritual: Before you can learn God’s purpose, He wants you to know Him as a person. Setting aside time each day to learn about Him and talk to Him is the most important goal you can set according to Matthew 6:33. Everything you put God first in, He will bless.
- Social and Relational: Whom do you need to attract to your inner circle, and who needs to be released from it? Ask God to give you discernment as to who belongs and who doesn’t. Some people will empower your vision; others impede it.
- Emotional: The key to feeling a certain way is to think a certain way. Controlling your emotions is central to success. Define how you want to feel and the successful ways of thinking you need to pursue. You can learn these from Scripture and people from whom you’d like to adopt behavior.
- Vocational: In the lane of your assignment, what growth, positional, influential, and intentional steps will you measure your progress by?
- Financial: There is an important link between finances and achieving one’s life purpose. Money is a powerful tool in the hands of a giver. You’ve got to make enough to be generous. What income goals have you asked God’s help with?
- Physical: What regular exercise programs and eating disciplines will you put in place to ensure you have the strength and stamina to stay the course?
- Are there areas of your life that might be out of balance?
- How can you help someone else accomplish their goals?
- What goal or vision has God given to you for this season?
Incubate to impregnate yourself with God’s vision until it is birthed in your life.