New Hope Oʻahu's 29th Anniversary is HERE!

Go for It!

by John Tilton on May 27, 2024


For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.  And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’”
Romans 8:14-15


In receiving Jesus Christ, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling witin us and therefore being led by the Holy Spirit, as we invite the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, teach, prompt and encourage us.  Furthermore, in receiving and being led by the Holy Spirit, we need not live our lives as slaves enslaved and shackled by the things of the world, temptation, and bondage of the enemy; nor fears brought on by the perception of the world in chaos.  More so, in victory through Jesus Christ, and being led by the Holy Spirit; we can live our lives in a sonship, children of God, and therefore, enabling us to call out when in need to the Holye Spirit and in the power and name of Jesus!


I remember when I had the honor to preside over my older brother’s funeral service and burial.  As the baby of the family, sometimes, the baby of the family is always seen as the baby of the family; being spoken to and treated like I was treated by my siblings when I was young. However, the Holy Spirit prompted me at the time to share Christ with my brother.  Although he didn’t receive Christ at that time, it planted seeds resulting in my brother receiving Christ, later.  Subsequently, he was discovered to have cancer, spent time in the hospital and passed away; BUT, I know that he is with Christ, having received Christ as his Savior.  Thankfully, I listened to the Holy Spirit and went for it in sharing Christ with my brother, even though it felt a little awkward at the time.  At the funeral service, I wasn’t asked to share a message of Christ; but when prompted by the Spirit, I went for it.  At the burial, again I felt led by the Spirit to share and challenge the whole family about the need to know Jesus as their Savior.  Half of the family received Jesus, and I had everyone pray the salvation prayer.  Baby brother got to lead elder siblings to Christ that day.  Thus far, three of my older siblings have passed.  However, know who they are with.  When God prompts you, GO FOR IT!  No scared um!


Dear Lord, thank you for your prompting.  I continue to invite you Holy Spirit to lead, guide, prompt and encourage me in that still small voice and sometimes an inkling.  Thank you, Holy Spirit, for dwelling within my, and being the paraclete, or helper; until Jesus returns.  May I be sensitive to you Holy Spirit and live my life guided by you and in the power and the name of Jesus.


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