“Do not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep that has any defect or flaw in it, for that would be detestable to him.”
Deuteronomy 17:1
God calls for our absolute best. While we may tend to give him the leftovers, that is not what is being asked of us. God is worthy and deserving of our very best.
Reading this verse and thinking of what we give to the Lord, I was reminded of some of the things that I have received in my life. One of the things someone once gave me was obviously leftovers and had been used. It was glaringly obvious and I can’t even begin to explain how I felt receiving this. I imagine that is how the Lord must feel when we do the same.
On the other hand, I have received things from one of my closest friends that blesses my heart. This brother in particular is one that I joke (but not really), is someone that REALLY knows me. Whenever he gets me a dress shirt, hoodie or T-shirt for Christmas or my birthday, I know that he truly takes the time to pick out the best.
I know this to be true because it’s always something that is my exact size that he has gone out of his way to find out, because over the years I have gained and lost weight. He takes the time to choose out colors and designs that I like. He chooses the kind of material and cut of the shirts that fit me well. It blesses my heart when I receive these gifts, not because of the actual gift, but because of the heart in which it is given.
I realize that at times I can give God my second best or worst. When I give to the Lord, I need to give Him my very best, just as my brother has done for me.
Father Almighty. Forgive me Lord when I have given you less than You have deserved. Thank You Lord that You continue to bless me, in spite of the sacrifices I bring before You. May I give You my very best, this I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.