Forgiveness Takes Faith

by Justin Smith on November 02, 2022


"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” (Mark 11:24-25) 


A wise man once said, “When you forgive, you in no way change the past...but you sure do change the future.” I think we all know the power of forgiveness, the results of forgiveness, and the necessity of forgiveness, yet when confronted with all the good that happens through forgiveness it is still something we withhold and deny. It’s hard to forgive! When you are wronged, hurt, and angry it’s hard to find the will to let go and extend unconditional forgiveness, so we usually just choose to not do it. But what does God say about forgiveness? We obviously know He says to do it, but how, why, and who, and is it really that important?

Towards the end of Mark 11 Jesus begins to teach His disciples about prayer, emphasizing the importance of faith. Faith in God’s power is the key to seeing His power. And then verse 25 appears to take a strange turn, “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them...”. Why, all of a sudden, did He feel the need to talk about forgiveness? Isn’t this unrelated? I wonder if it’s more related than we think. In fact, I wonder if it’s more related to faith and prayer than we are aware.


1. For prayer to work it takes a big faith, AND for forgiveness to work it also takes a big faith. It takes faith to trust that God is moving in spite of your emotions, it takes faith to believe that God is defending you and righting situations when you are wronged, it takes faith to surrender control of the hardships you face, and it takes faith to let go of your “right” to be angry and submit it to God. I’m not sure I’ve ever connected the necessity of faith in forgiving others, but I can see how great faith is needed to extend great forgiveness.

  • HOW? Through faith

2. Unforgiveness hinders your prayers. Jesus reveals two things that will hinder your prayers are a lack of faith and a lack of forgiveness. Is your prayer life lacking? It might be a wise idea to examine your relationships and see if there’s anyone you need to forgive.

  • WHY? It hinders our prayers and unforgiveness is sin and disobedience to God.

3. Forgiveness to others reveals the forgiveness we have received. Jesus has forgiven us unconditionally...and I’ve wronged Him more times than I can count or imagine. Who am I to withhold forgiveness from someone else. May I extend forgiveness as I have been forgiven MUCH.

  • WHO? Everyone- As I have been forgiven much, I must forgive ALL.


Jesus, please forgive me for my pride and selfishness in withholding forgiveness toward others. May I choose obedience even when my flesh doesn’t want to. Please grant me the faith to forgive everyone, every time, that my actions might reflect the forgiveness You have abundantly given. May You be honored through my faith and forgiveness. In Your name, Amen!


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